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Upcoming Events at Trinity

Upcoming at Trinity:
- Tuesday Bible Study Tuesdays in Room 304, all men and women are invited to join us!
- EAMC's Pediatric Unit Baby Shower: Saturday, February 15th in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 AM (Information and QR code on graphic above)
- Potluck Supper: Sunday, February 16th at 5:00 PM in Fellowship Hall (All invited to join us and bring a side)
- Men's Gathering: Friday, February 28th. Please scan QR code above or contact the office if you plan to attend. All men are invited!
- Strawberry Sale: Saturday, March 1st 9AM - Noon strawberry pickup at Trinity. Contact the office to purchase your flat of strawberries or one of the Trinity Youth members.
Our Location
Trinity Church is located in the heart of Opelika Alabama, just north-east of Auburn. 800 Second Ave., Opelika, AL 36801
For we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works.
Ephesians 2:10