Sunday School
Adult Sunday School Classes that Provide Faith development
Adult Sunday School Classes
Trinity Church in Opelika offers several Adult Sunday School Classes that meet at 9:30 AM on Sunday morning and provide a host of faith development, inspiration and encouragement. These ongoing classes cover many different topics from Scripture study to developing long lasting relationships and discussion groups on modern faith.
There are men’s classes, women’s classes and Sunday School classes open to all ages and genders that provide nurturing and support through prayer and action. Contact the office and let us help you get plugged in to the right one for you!
Amazing Grace
Leader: Chuck Maddox (Church Library Room 204)
This group is open to men of any age. They share prayer concerns and encourage one another.
Leader: Steve Thomas (CLC Room 304)
The Believers Class was formed in 1979 and is still an active part of the Trinity family today. Adults of all ages and stages are welcome. If you want to develop lasting friendships, make friends who are concerned about you, and want solid Bible teaching the Believers class is for you!
Life Builders
Leader: Tony Aycock (Sanctuary Room 201)
A class for ages 45 and up that studies a wide range of Biblical topics, concentrating on the Bible itself. Our format is a discussion group, with a lead teacher. We welcome any who would like to join us for fellowship and study of the Word.
Leaders: Tony Johnson, Allen Lazenby, Scott Moody, Rick Wheatley, & Jim White (CLC Room 202)
Navigators is a class for the 35+ age group, with a discussion based format led by five teachers on a rotating basis. The group chooses its topics of study focusing on in-depth investigations of books of the Bible.
New Life
Leaders: Sally McCormick (CLC Room 302)
A traditional class that studies from the Bible. New Life began over 25 years ago and continues its strong and rich heritage today. Open to couples and singles of all ages. If you are looking for a group with a wealth of Biblical knowledge, along with vitality to serve God, the New Life Class is for you.
The Journey
Leaders: Les Davis, Paul Ferrell, JoRell Linton, Bill Lytle, & Eric Satterfield (CLC Room 305)
Open to adult men and women of all ages. This group enjoys studying with Christian DVD series.
Rooted Class
Leaders: Eric & Jennifer Halverson, Marc & Jodi Wells
(Student Center Room 102)
This class is open to all adults. Our Mission is to become more rooted in God’s Word through Bible Study. We also desire to build relationships with each other through planned social activities and investing in one another’s lives.
Thomas Samford
Leaders: Gail Browne, Joe Dean, Bobby Samford, & Jim Whatley
(CLC Room 205)
This class proudly carries the name of it’s past teacher, Mr. Thomas D. Samford, III. After Thomas went to be with the Lord, this group continued his legacy of Biblical teaching and application to their daily lives. The Samford Class is open to men and women of all ages. Our time together is a combination of Christian DVD Series and group discussions with gifted teachers who serve on a monthly rotation. We are a very friendly and warm group open to all.
Truth Seekers
Leaders: Mike & Jennifer Stough (CLC Room 303)
The Truth Seekers is a diverse group, open to all, both couples and singles. We study books of the Bible and other material chosen by the class. We encourage group discussion, which helps us to relate to each other and share experiences that offer others a perspective of how God works in our lives.
Young Adult Class:
Leaders: Jim and Melinda Jackson (Sanctuary Room 306)
This group was formed to encourage young men and women (married or single) in their 20’s and 30’s. We study the Bible as a means of deepening our faith in Jesus Christ which will enable us to be better equipped to meet the challenges of life now and in the future.
Loving People. Loving God.
Want to worship with us?
Trinity United Methodist Church currently has two Traditional Services and one Contemporary Service to choose from. Learn more about our services here.
Meet Our Staff
All of our staff and leaders work exceptionally hard to administrate, co-ordinate, organise, plan, gather, train, teach. You can learn more about them here.