Our History
A Rich Heritage of Worship and Witness
History of Trinity Church
Trinity began in 1902, when First Methodist Church of Opelika formed a Sunday School in the northeast section of town. Trinity then had a membership of 98 people. In 1906, a proposal was considered for a new church building in a more accessible location. The current location of 8th Street and Second Avenue was chosen. On November 9, 1906, the name “Trinity” was selected for the new congregation.

In 1907, building and budget plans were made for a new sanctuary at the existing location. Budget was $75,000. Dr. D. M. Banks, chairman of the building committee, officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony and shoveled the first spade of dirt in placing the foundation for the new building in 1907. No church in the history of the Alabama Methodist Conference had ever financed its building with as little difficulty as Trinity. The members responded with gifts of money, time and talents, establishing a tradition of generosity at Trinity.
In 1907, building and budget plans were made for a new sanctuary at the existing location. Budget was $75,000. Dr. D. M. Banks, chairman of the building committee, officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony and shoveled the first spade of dirt in placing the foundation for the new building in 1907. No church in the history of the Alabama Methodist Conference had ever financed its building with as little difficulty as Trinity. The members responded with gifts of money, time and talents, establishing a tradition of generosity at Trinity.
The first service held in the new structure, was in June of 1909; the official dedication of the Sanctuary occurred on December 4, 1910. This Sanctuary is the same one we worship in today. The pipe organ was installed in the sanctuary in November of 1909; an electric organ console was added in 1951. The Carillon Tower Bells and the marble baptismal font were dedicated in 1947.
A major building and renovation program began in August of 1955, which added a two-story educational wing, (now known as the children’s building), attached to the church by a chapel, forming a courtyard. Also in August of 1955, plans were made for the renovation of the existing facilities, including a Fellowship Hall, a new kitchen and a new lighting system for the sanctuary. On September 27, 1987, ground breaking for the new Trinity Christian Life Center took place. The building project cost $2,500,000 and on January 25, 1989, the consecration of the new building was held.
In 2004, a major renovation was conducted to update the Christian Life Center for Contemporary Worship. In 2008 the aquisition of adjacent property allowed for the building of the Trinity Student Center.
On Sunday mornings, sunshine streams in the brilliant, colored, stained glass windows in the sanctuary at Trinity United Methodist Church and bathes the antique carved woods with warmth, providing a beautiful setting for worship. The Fellowship Hall pulsates with passionate expressions of praise to God. We celebrate our rich heritage and forge into our future with an expansive vision for greater effectiveness in serving our community and witnessing to the nations. The Trinity family looks forward to what God has planned for us.
We know the best is yet to come.
Loving People. Loving God.
Want to worship with us?
Trinity Church currently has two Traditional Services (Sanctuary at 8:30 and Chapel at 10:30) and one Contemporary Service (Fellowship Hall at 10:30) to choose from. Learn more about our services here.
Meet Our Staff
All of our staff and leaders work exceptionally hard to administrate, co-ordinate, organise, plan, gather, train, teach. You can learn more about them here.