
Fully Embrace the Mission and Vision of Trinity UMC

Want to be a Member at Trinity?

Membership is extended to all persons who have committed their lives to following Jesus and desire to fully embrace the mission and vision of Trinity UMC. We realize that persons are often skeptical these days about joining formal institutions. The Scripture describes the Church as a living organism, and the apostle Paul said we are like a body. “In Christ, we form one body, and each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12:5). At Trinity UMC we understand that God is forming us into a living, breathing organism — a body of believers who seek to follow Jesus in community with others.

At Trinity UMC, we recognize the need for formal membership and take seriously the commitment made to God and the local church when joining the church. When you join Trinity you will be asked the vows of membership:
“Will you be loyal to Trinity United Methodist Church and faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?”
We believe formal membership in a local church is important for four reasons.

1. Biblical Reason: Christ is committed to the church. Ephesians 5:25 states, “Christ loved the church, and gave His life for her.” Membership in a local church is an important step in demonstrating our commitment to Christ.

2. Cultural Reason: We live in an age where very few want to be committed to anything. . . a job, a marriage, or family. This attitude has produced a generation of church hoppers and shoppers. Membership swims against the current of America’s consumer mentality and is an antidote to society. Membership sets apart from the culture allowing us to preserve our distinctive Christian beliefs and values.

3. Practical Reason: Membership identifies our community and family. It defines who can be entrusted with positions of leadership within the church.

4. Personal Reason: Membership produces spiritual growth. The New Testament places a major emphasis on the need for Christians to be accountable to each other for spiritual growth. A person cannot be accountable when they are not committed to any specific church family.

How to Join

If you have accepted Christ as your Savior and made a decision to join the Trinity Family, please convey your decision to Amy McKay, our Minister of Evangelism, or either of our pastors, Rev. Bill Kierce or Rev. Earl Ballard. They will discuss your decision and set a date for you to join the church. If you have not been baptised, they will discuss Baptism with you and tell how you can make this a part of your membership celebration.

Ways to Join
Commit Your Life to Jesus Christ by Profession of Faith:
Meaning you have received or want to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you have never received Jesus as Savior and Lord and/or never publicly confessed Him, you will be given an opportunity to do so. After your decision has been confirmed, an appointment with the pastor will be made for your baptism at Trinity.

By Baptism:
If you are joining Trinity as a new Christian you will choose to be baptized. Baptism is an identification with Christ’s burial and Resurrection, illustrates new life as a Believer, and is a step of obedience in your spiritual walk with Christ. It’s important to remember that Baptism doesn’t make you a Believer, rather it indicates that you already believe. Baptism does not “save” you, your faith in Christ does that. Someone once said that “Baptism is like a wedding ring, it’s the outward symbol of the commitment you make in your heart.”
Transfer Membership from Another Church:
If you’re currently a member of another United Methodist Church or another denomination, and have previously received Jesus Christ as Savior and been baptized, you can transfer your membership to Trinity.
What About Children?
Children are special at Trinity UMC! When your children are ready to make a “decision” for Christ, we ask that you contact one of our pastors. Then, as parents you will be instructed concerning the next step based upon your child’s age, experience, and need.

Loving People. Loving God.

Want to worship with us?

Trinity United Methodist Church currently has two Traditional Services and one Contemporary Service to choose from. Learn more about our services here.

Meet Our Staff

All of our staff and leaders work exceptionally hard to administrate, co-ordinate, organise, plan, gather, train, teach. You can learn more about them here.