Jacob Broome
Worship Leader
Jacob Broome is a student at LaGrange College majoring in Composition and Music Technology and minoring in Servant Leadership. He is a member of the Servant Scholars program and serves as the worship leader for “The Foundation” chapel service at college. Since middle school he has served in music ministry at several United Methodist Churches and West Ridge Church in Dallas, Georgia. After leading worship on a mission trip to Nicaragua his senior year of high school, he felt a subtle tug on his heart that has grown into a sure calling to worship ministry. Outside of school and church, he works as a barista in his hometown of Dallas and writes and produces Christian music in his free time.
Want to worship with us?
Trinity United Methodist Church currently has two Traditional Services and one Contemporary Service to choose from. Learn more about our services here.
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All of our staff and leaders work exceptionally hard to administrate, co-ordinate, organise, plan, gather, train, teach. You can learn more about them here.